22 February 2010

I Am Legend- Film

This film stars Will Smith, and is personally one of my favorites. Although it does not follow close with the book very well, it still has the same principles. The idea of the last man on earth, these vampires, or zombies that are coming to get him. The largest difference that i noticed between the book and the movie is that the movie was much easier. I mean the fact that Neville was a Doctor, had a companion, didn't have to worry about anything coming to his house at night. All he had to really worry about was finding a cure. Then he is trying to kill himself, and is magically saved. It is really hollywood's magic that made this movie much easier. None the less though, Neville still did have a lot of struggles to go through, and to find. You can still almost feel his anger yourself, much so in the way the book transmitted those feelings as well.

The idea of the girl being introduced was rather bizzare to me. She came out of nowhere, had a kid, and knew relatively nothing. It was just strange that she was really even in the story, Neville could have really boarded himself up in the little bomb shelter, and made a run for the north just as easily.

I feel the idea of him finding a cure makes the movie a lot better though. Upon talking with some of my friends about it, they hated the idea of a cure, and how the female survived, but then again they couldn't think of a better way to really end it as well. The fact that the female made it to another civilization i believe gives us hope. It is that movie message that is portrayed. Well that and symbolism, with the butterfly, but transmitting that to real life i find rather difficult.

All in all, even though the movie was rather different that the book, what i think it did best was to bring the books premise into the 20th century. It made it modern, and kept the books idea's going through a new era, so that one of the best zombie books, can be continued, it will in essence, never die.

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