01 February 2010

I am Legend (Part I)

Richard Matheson's I am Legend certainly grasps readers from the start of the novel. The main character, Robert Neville is surrounded by undead beings of some sort and is forced to live in his house at night: which is when the undead come out to play.

The highly controversial "zombies or vampires?" question immediately pops into one's head through the author's descriptions. The use of garlic and the fact that the undead creatures come out only at night will lead one to this popular question. Also, the creatures have some of the typical characteristics of zombies: mentally incapable of communication, and hungry for flesh. The question of "zombies or vampires?" creates a mysterious aura about the novel. This speculation is one of the most noted topics of this book and is extremely important.

Neville is constantly tortured by these undead creatures on a mental level. He is faced with some dfficulties such as lust, temptation, and sleep deprivation. Many of the creatures are unclothed, and he is a lonely man. Neville cannot bear to see these undead creatures of beauty, yet he is lonely and has great amounts of lust. Therefore, he is tempted to go outside, which would lead to his death. Also, he cannot sleep well at night because the creatures bang on his house constantly at night. He is constantly exhausted and in a way, he is trapped in his own hell.

The beginning of this novel holds a certain amount of mystery and excitement that readers of this genre should expect. With plenty more action to come, readers will look forward to Neville's future and whether he can survive these undead creatures of the night.

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